Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Crumb Cake Saga 2

You probably think that I've been loafing, because I did say that I was going to post the results of my last baking adventure with this cake, and I've been absent for a few days. But NO! I'm now on my 6th version - am I crazy or what! Aren't you glad that it's me doing all the experiments so that you can have the perfect recipe!

The last version was good but too greasy because so much of the butter leaked out of the crumbs. The next version was pretty good, but I couldn't take a bit out of a square and get
crumbs and cake all at once. I decided that the cake batter needed to be reduced by about 1/4 to make the overall thickness perfect for biting into. Also, I wasn't 100% certain what each different crumb technique would yield. So, for my last time making this cake (so she says), I made the cake part thinner, and I tried 3 different techniques for the crumbs- 1/3 with melted butter mixed completely into the flour and then rested for 15 minutes, 1/3 with melted butter, but incorporated by the tablespoonful just until crumbly, and 1/3 with cold butter cut into the dry ingredients. I'm waiting for it to cool, and will then be ready to post the final recipe. Stay with me - the end is near!

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